Richmond Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers
Recent News About Richmond Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers
New research shows that histamine may be responsible for more than just allergies
Histamine is commonly known for the key role it plays in allergies, but it has recently been linked to medical ailments like depression and rare diseases.
Breathing better can lead to better health, potentially fewer sinus infections
Breathing is an autonomic body function that everyone does without thinking about.
Ditto on balloon sinuplasty: 'I can perform a procedure for a patient and improve their recurrent sinusitis by using a minimally invasive technique'
Balloon sinuplasty offers a minimally invasive chronic inflammation solution to those suffering with chronic sinusitis.
Do you know what you're allergic to?
As the spring season approaches, pet owners who suffer from seasonal allergies may be wondering if they are allergic to their pets.
2022 New Year's resolution: Improve your nasal breathing and sinus health
Even though most people breathe through their mouth during intense workout sessions, nasal breathing might be much more effective, as per the latest research, according to U.S. News and World Report.
Misery loves company: Sinus inflammation can also cause pain in the eyes and teeth
Inflammation of the sinuses is a common condition affecting tens of millions of people -- but it doesn't just affect the sinuses.
Sinus headaches are highly treatable, according to Richmond Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers doctor
New treatments for sinus headaches are being developed using cutting-edge technology and a revitalized dedication to helping patients with this condition.
Richmond Breathe Free doctor talks about acute sinusitis: 'By treating the allergy, you decrease the inflammation'
Dr. John Ditto of Richmond Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers recently spoke about some solutions and treatment remedies for acute sinusitis.
Richmond Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers doctor can help patients 'reduce recurrent and chronic sinusitis'
Some sinus infections are so stubborn, it takes more than antibiotics to cure them, according to Dr. John Ditto of Richmond Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers.
Richmond Breathe Free's surgeon: Balloon sinuplasty is 'as effective as traditional sinus surgery'
People who experience facial discomfort and sinus pressure may be exhibiting one of the warning symptoms of chronic sinusitis, according to the Merck Manual.